free bison in Europe
bison in Țarcu Mountains
After centuries of absence, the European bison has risen from the brink of extinction to become a living symbol of hope and nature restoration in Romania. Through the dedicated efforts of WWF-Romania, these iconic animals have transformed from a distant conservation dream to a thriving reality in the Southwestern Carpathians. A decade after the first reintroduction, over 200 individuals now roam the Țarcu Mountains, marking a remarkable journey of reintroduction and restoration. More than a wildlife success story, this project represents WWF-Romania's commitment to healing ecosystems, reconnecting local communities with their natural heritage, and demonstrating the incredible resilience of nature when given a chance to recover.
Scientific data:
Scientific Name: Bison bonasus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Family: Bovidae
Population in Romania: Over 350 individuals
Reintroduction Areas: Natura 2000 Site Țarcu Mountains, Făgăraș Mountains, Vânători-Neamț Natural Park
Diet: Vegetarian – grass, shrubs, thorny plants, and trees – up to 60 kg/day
Reproduction: 1 calf per year, starting when the female is 3-4 years old
Habitat: Mixed or deciduous forests in a mosaic-type landscape
Dimensions: Length: 2.9m; Height: 1.85m – 1.95m; Weight: 800 kg – 1000 kg
Longevity: Life span in the wild is between 14 and 24 years
Status: Vulnerable species

Today, the European bison is gradually returning to the wild, thanks to complex conservation and breeding programs that have significantly contributed to restoring its population. Also called the "architect of the forest," this species plays a vital role in maintaining the balance of natural ecosystems, positively influencing the regeneration of forests and grasslands, which supports local biodiversity. Their return has positively impacted not only nature but also the local communities in the area.
Natural Vegetation Management
It helps maintain landscape diversity through selective pressure on vegetation.
It maintains open areas in the forest by consuming and trampling shrubs and young saplings.
Seed Dispersal and Supporting Biodiversity
The European bison transport seeds in their fur and dungs over long distances – tens of kilometers.
Through mud baths and soil trampling, they create perfect microhabitats for various species of insects and amphibians.
Local Development
They attract visitors eager to observe these magnificent animals in their natural habitat.
They contribute to the sustainable development of local communities through ecotourism.
The reintroduction of the European bison is a complex process that involves much more than simply releasing the animals into the wild. It requires a thorough analysis of the available habitat, food resources, interaction with local communities, and the genetic diversity needed for a viable population. Let us not forget that the bison is returning to a world that is completely different from that of their ancestors.
Genetic Diversity
The story of the European bison is truly remarkable: the genetics of the entire current population come from just 12 individuals, which represents both an extraordinary conservation success and a major vulnerability. This extremely narrow genetic foundation has led to very low genetic variability in the current population.
Human - Wildlife Conflicts
The coexistence of bison and local communities represents a challenge that requires careful attention and management. Although the economic impact of damage caused by bison is relatively limited, the absence of an effective compensation system can create tensions in the human-wildlife relationship.
In Romania, WWF, alongside its partners, including Rewilding Europe and local communities, has successfully established viable populations of bison living freely in the wild. In the Țarcu Mountains, over 200 individuals are currently thriving, demonstrating that the reintroduction of an extinct species is possible through collaboration and commitment. This project is more than just a success for bison conservation; it brings tangible benefits to both communities and nature. Through collaboration with local communities, WWF's initiatives have paved the way for sustainable economic development, promoting activities such as ecotourism. At the same time, the success of the bison reintroduction inspires other countries to adopt similar measures to protect endangered species.
Monitoring and Research
WWF rangers collect data and genetic samples during monitoring activities to better understand aspects such as bison movement ecology, feeding behavior, genetic diversity, and population size. The genetic samples are analyzed in collaboration with various universities and research centers, providing essential insights for developing long-term conservation strategies, evaluating the success of reintroduction programs, and maintaining a healthy and viable bison population in the region.
To ensure the success of coexistence between humans and bison, we are involved in developing an effective system for preventing and compensating for damage, creating local economic opportunities related to the presence of bison, and fostering a sense of pride among local communities for their role in conserving this emblematic species and in developing a model of harmonious coexistence with nature.
For effective European bison conservation in Romania, we are involved in developing a national strategic framework, which will include two main components: a national strategy and an action plan dedicated to the species' conservation. This unified framework will set the directions, objectives, and concrete measures necessary for the long-term protection and management of bison populations at the national level.
Be part of the story of the European bison's return to Romania's forests. Every day matters. Every bison matters. Every donation matters.
Contact the BISON team:
Adrian Grancea – Project Manager; [email protected]
Cristina Curelea – Senior Communication Officer; [email protected]
Foto credit: Dan Dinu

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