Forests and Bark Beetle (Ips) Attacks

The bark beetle causes significant economic losses and has a negative impact on forest biodiversity. Moreover, bark beetle outbreaks affect forest structure and composition, nutrient cycling, erosion processes, reduce carbon absorption, and increase the risk of fires.

In this context, WWF-Romania has proposed the development of remote sensing techniques for the early detection of spruce stands affected by bark beetles, thereby contributing to effective decision-making for the responsible management of forests and protected areas.

As part of the project, the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca conducted research on early (green) detection possibilities for bark beetle attacks using remote sensing and GIS techniques. These techniques use UAS (drones) equipped with multispectral sensors, and the methodologies were adapted to the specific characteristics of Romania's forests.

The interpretation of images obtained through remote sensing could be used to identify forest stands affected by bark beetle outbreaks based on the distinct reflectance of tree canopies in physiological decline. Such a technique is already used for monitoring agricultural crops and could be calibrated for the investigation of biological forest pests. This tool could provide efficient results and potentially be used at a national or European level.


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