Main Risks of Timber Trading on the EU Market

WWF-Romania has conducted a risk assessment on illegal timber harvesting, analyzing indicators and relevant legislation in forestry and related fields. This assessment considered the main risks of legal violations that may arise during timber trading on the European market.

The initiative aims to conduct an analysis of indicators and relevant legislation to identify associated risks, starting from the definitions and EUDR provisions concerning the placing on the market, in the European Union and exporting from the EU, of certain basic produces and of products associated linked to deforestation and forest degradation.

This assessment was developed with the involvement of a working group comprised of experts in forestry, with implications for social, economic, and environmental areas. It supports operators and traders introducing or trading timber on the European market, as well as regulatory authorities in analyzing existing risks concerning compliance with relevant legislation.

The assessment is general and may be affected by the lack of necessary clarifications for interpreting the EU Regulation 2023/1115 (EUDR). A more detailed analysis could be conducted following the development of subsequent documents by the European Commission, such as guidelines clarifying definitions and establishing responsible authorities.

In order to provide comprehensive analyses, we will continue to engage in risk assessments initiated by authorities and/or the Forest Stewardship Council. We hope for a much broader participatory process that will provide clarification on certain aspects of the regulation, clarifications that need to be developed by the European Commission.

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