Danube Wood(s) Route

Danube Wood(s) Route is a project where WWF-Romania, together with partners from 11 European countries, identifies and promotes lesser-known and underdeveloped tourist areas where the „wood civilization” has a long-standing tradition. This initiative aims to develop green cultural tourism opportunities and enhance the superior utilization of wood.

In Romania, the main goal is to identify a wood route in the Maramureș and Transylvanian Hills regions, where the tourism potential related to wood culture is enormous but currently too little emphasized. For centuries, wood has brought valuable cultural content to the residents of these areas, shaping their lifestyle and ensuring their prosperity. Unfortunately, the natural and cultural resources in the area are undervalued, and some of the old traditional wood-related occupations are disappearing. Many of the old wooden houses have been lost, left in ruins, or simply moved elsewhere, losing their cultural essence and turning into firewood.

Project name: Danube Wood(s) Route
Project number: DRP0200569
Project timeframe: 1 ianuarie 2024 – 30 iunie 2026
This project is supported by the Interreg Danube Region Programme project co-funded by the European Union
Total budget: EUR 2,919,087.50
Financed by Interreg Danube Region Programme: EUR 2,335,270.00
Project website: http://www.interreg-danube.eu/projects/danube-woodsroute


  • BSC, Business support centre L.t.d., Kranj (Slovenia)
  • Institute for sustainable development (Slovenia)
  • Holz von Hier nonprofit Ltd. (Germany)
  • Association of Parks in Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
  • Varna Economic Development Agency (Bulgaria)
  • WWF Romania Association (Romania)
  • Regional Development Agency of the Pilsen Region (Czech Republic)
  • Woodworld Murau (Austria)
  • Croatian Wood Cluster (Croatia)
  • DDRIÜ Nonprofit Kft. (Hungary)
  • Regional development Agency of the Presov self governing region (Slovakia)
  • SMART Development Center Association (Romania)
  • Danube competence center (Serbia)
  • Zlatibor Regional Development Agency (Serbia)
  • Active Sarajevo economic region development agency (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • National park Kozara (Bosnia and Herzegovina)


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